Real estate investors are interested in determining if a property is a solid investment – one with no major surprises. WBC&I modify the assessment and investigations based on the investor’s needs and concerns. Typically, the Property Condition Assessment (PCA) is performed according to the accepted guidelines of ASTM E2018 standard with some modifications.
A modified PCA standard allows us to tailor the assessment to the needs of the purchaser. We partner with other specialists to perform a thorough evaluation of the building’s major systems. Clients often save money well in excess of our fee by identifying major building deficiencies prior to taking ownership.
Property developers will also find a PCA useful, especially when deciding if a property is right for their development plan. Knowing the property’s current condition is vital in such a decision. The Property Condition Report (PCR) will help the commerical real estate developer to identify whether the condition and structure of a property is conducive to the proposed renovations or unsuitable to conform to the overall vision for property development.
Be sure to check out the information on Property Condition Assessments and our other valuable services available to real estate investors, property developers and others with an interest in commercial property.